Mindful Movement - Yoga Offerings

Could you use a break from the stresses of your busy life? Perhaps you’re looking for a sustainable and safe practice for aging gracefully, addressing osteoporosis, joint laxity, or back pain, or maybe you desire a more meaningful connection to your inner landscape. Please register for one of my Alignment Yoga classes or series - in person or on Zoom, subscribe to my Yoga Video Library for access to over 20 hours of yoga videos on a wide variety of topics, schedule private sessions, or find out about upcoming retreats.

NEW YEARS GIFT! Get a free month to my Members Only Resource Library with over 25 hours of yoga and nature-based meditation videos to start your year strong. Click here and use code PEACE2ALL at checkout. Offer ends 2/1/25

Julia Siporin in Warrior 2 Yoga Pose

Single Yoga Class Pass - $10

Mondays and Wednesdays, 5:15 - 6:15 pm (Pacific time). A Zoom link and in-person address will be provided after registration. These semi-gentle, yet very effective Alignment Yoga classes focus on healthy alignment and range of motion as well as research-based bone-building techniques.

Resource Library Subscription

• yoga & guided meditation videos
• inspiring poetry & quotes
• pose pointers & anatomy assists

If the live class times don’t work with your schedule, you can take classes at your convenience. Perhaps you ‘re interested in enjoying a guided nature-based meditation from your own yard or park.

Your monthly subscription gives you access to over 30 hours of yoga videos taught by Julia, E-RYT 500, on specific topics to address low back pain, neck and shoulder tension, balance, agility, equanimity, bone-strengthening, healthy range of motion, and more with regular updates.

In addition, there are a growing number of Awake in the Wild nature—based guided meditations, poems & quotes and details about more challenging poses and relevant anatomy lessons in the member area as well.