My Favorite Golden Milk Recipe
I love to drink this steamy delicious, comforting, creamy, and healthy-promoting beverage in the chilly evenings. The turmeric lubricates my joints and helps calm a restless leg.
Lentil Sweet Potato Stew with Kale
This is a great Fall & Winter dish! I love how the process of making this yummy stew just flows; by the time it’s made, I’ve already cleaned up the kitchen. Easy!
OMG Sweet Potato Brownies (vegan, GF)
This brownie recipe hits all the marks for me – moist, cakey, and WFPB (whole food plant-based) without refined sugar (if you use chocolate chips that are sweetened with something other than cane sugar.).
Almond Chocolate Truffles
If you like dark chocolate, you’re going to love these nutritious mini-truffles!
Full credit goes to Dr. Greger’s “How Not to Die” Cookbook*
Emerald Mango Jewel Smoothie
Maybe you’re just dipping your toe into green smoothies… trying to find painless ways to add some healthy greens into your diet. You’ll hardly know you’re getting a healthy dose of cruciferous kale in this thyroid-nourishing smoothie.
Tropical Green Nectar Smoothie
When it feels a bit dreary outside and you wish you were in sunny Costa Rica sipping a little taste of the tropics, try this smoothie. It’ll give you a little immune system boost as well! (Just as I snapped this pic, an Anna’s hummingbird friend came in for her own nectar brew.)