Sensing Fall in the Air?
Walking in the woods on these Fall days lately has left me in a state of wonderment. From savoring the late afternoon sunlight on Fall foliage to spying birds and furry animals caching seeds and nuts for the winter ahead, there's a sense of Nature's many ever-changing routines for self-care.
Leaves of maple, oak, birch, and blueberry, which have been busy harvesting the sun all summer long, now relinquish their well-used solar collectors back to the Earth to nourish the soil and tend to their own roots.
Nature, in her infinite wisdom, has bestowed humans with an innate propensity for seasonal self-care. This time of year, I nudge towards being cozy at home by a warm fire with a nourishing cup of hot tea. I settle in with a snoozy cat on my lap and even indulge in a nap that seemed unthinkable during summer . Even my food hankerings change. My grandmother's porridge begins to beckon ; root vegetable soups, kitchari, and other winter comfort foods.